TorchlightI started playing this game called "Torchlight" recently, after my friend showed us the game. Its a Diablo 3 wannabe, with the gameplay mechanics, items, skills, etc. pretty similar to the Diablo style.
Torchlight,by Runic Games
Right now playing as the Alchemist, although I'm pretty noob; I'm still at level 9 while Josiah is already level 16 or higher wahahaha :P
It's a pretty fun game; a game to play while anticipating the release of Diablo 3! XD
This game is developed on the Ogre3D game engine! And its a very polished game! Can you believe it?! Even Bryan was amazed that Ogre could make such a game.
Nice artwork.
Deepavali CelebrationAlright enough about Torchlight. Last friday, my camp had a Deepavali Celebration, and all of us had to attend it. SAF is wise in wanting to build cohesion between the different cultures and races in Singapore, but we all kinda felt that it was eating into our free time, as it was after working hours.
Nevertheless, we went and it turned out to be quite entertaining hahas.
It was a little boring at the start, and the food was too greasy, but things got better.
The dance performances by Restricted Authority was good, with the last hip-hop dance item being the best! The most entertaining portion of the event was dressing up 4 men in a an Indian Sari!
Bryan was one of them, and that day I had the shock of my life. I saw a side of Bryan that I never hope to see again. All 4 men, including Bryan, acted like women, dancing those Bollywood moves and making some obscene notions. The whole room was full of laughter and shock.
Too bad cameras are not allowed in camp, or I would have posted those abomina- I mean unbelievable scenes :P
Personal LifeAs for myself, I believe that now is the season for me to have a breakthrough relationship with God, to know Him as a friend, to have conversations with Him frequently. Now, I only know Him as a source of strength, wisdom, anointing and provision. Weiren told the CGCs that we have to go up one level higher in a spiritual maturity before our breakthrough as a Cellgroup will come. I believe this is the next level that I will achieve :)
Its quite a struggle to patiently wait on God and to seek Him diligently. Perhaps the issue is faith. This is the verse for my season:
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Heb 11:6)
In other words, I have to believe that God will draw close and speak with me as I diligently seek Him.