Monday, October 26, 2009

Faithful in the little :D

Hey guys, haven't been updating my blog cause I had a busy week, but I'll try to do so more often :D

We met a Captain today to discuss about our postings. Bryan and I will be posted to do the NYP website! :D

Weiren has been sharing to us about being faithful in the little things, and I decided to do my best to do the seemingly insignificant things (e.g. clean my table and room, maintain personal hygiene and dressing), and things entrusted to me.

I started going to the gym, spent a whole day tidying up my table, make my bed every morning etc. It wasn't easy, and there are some things I still can improve, but at least I made the decision to do it :)

Honestly, it was rather stressful - I get stressed over the smallest things. That's might be because I'm a perfectionist, but I'd like to see it as God expanding my capacity :D Nevertheless, it was like "Woohoo" after doing these things, especially cleaning up my table XD

Our service weekend attendance shot up to 38 this week!!! I believe it's because we all decided to be faithful in the little things. Jesus says that if we are faithful in the what is least, we will also be faithful in much, so He can entrust us with growth!

Let's continue to be meticulously faithful, and believe God for 50 members!

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