Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I was tired of my shabby hair, thus I spontaneously decided to go to the barber today.

Usually, I would go to the barber at Yio Chu Kang as that barber's skills are not bad and she understands what kind of hairstyle I want (I had told her I wanted 罗志祥 hairstyle). She would also give her advice on how my hair should be trimmed, which portions I should leave and how I should style my hair. All that for $8!

Nevertheless, I was going to work and didn't want to waste time making a detour to Yio Chu Kang. Thus, I went to the nearest EC House at Khatib. It was a BAD MISTAKE!

I gave instructions on how my fringe should be like, and that the top of my hair should be short. I specified that I didn't want a slope and I wanted my hair to be generally shorter than usual.

The result was a disaster!!! The barber practically destroyed my sideburns and desecrated my left fringe! She shouldn't have left a gap between my left fringe and my left sideburns! I wanted nicely shaped sideburns but now it looks so wispy!

I was rather angry at this and swore that I'll never go back to EC House again. I wanted to do something drastic like go to the barber at Yio Chu Kang to touch it up, but I concluded that it would only make things worse. The best thing to do was to wait for my hair to grow back again before another trim.

Thus I prayed to God that I would lift my eyes off my own selfish needs and look up to His desire and others' needs. Thank God that the anger subsided :)

Eventually, I looked at myself in the mirror and realised that it isn't all that bad. Hahaha.
I guess confidence comes from within, not without.

Alright, I have to go now. Still busy with work and stuff. I'll revamp my blog when I have the time ;)

Till next time!

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