Feels like ORD! Actually, being there was pretty slack, and the food is not so bad. People are (generally) friendly. My only issue is the *&%$^ travel distance!
Long travel distance = wake up very early = less sleep = sianz!
Neways, it's Nee Soon Camp for me on the 1st of September, which is TMR! Well I ain't that excited really... today's my last off day (Z.Z)
Went to Hexing's house yesterday.
Had a great time worshipping + praying + fellowship! Plus lotsa singing after that!
The awkward part was starting praise & worship. Usually there'll be Weiren or someone to kick start it. It was rather spontaneous and informal (I ain't got my chordbook) but we got it started with a "Through you I can do anything..."
We didn't plan the songs or anything beforehand but we just wanted more of God. Thank God for His presence! All glory to Him!
Recently, I have been thinking
"Why am I anointed?"
There are times when I hardly feel the presence of God when ministering, or I feel like I didn't play very well. But people would come up to me in say "Israel, when you play the guitar, the presence of God was very strong!" I would answer with a surprised "Really?" (Which also shows that talent does not equal to anointing)
Looking back at all these years, I don't think I had this anointing when I first became a CG guitarist. So how did it come about?
One reason (there are others) I realized is because of the prayers of W406! Every week you would pray for the CG worship in your sync prayers! I sincerely appreciate every single prayer! Thanks guys! Wanna thank Weiren especially for always praying for the anointing upon me all these years!
Most of all, I thank God, for every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights. I don't exactly know how it happens and I know I can't do it on my own. It must be God.
September - New Season
Not sure what's in store, but things are gonna change.
I'm changing camp.
The News will be out.
I'll be exactly 1 year in army (and 1 year from ORD).
And I believe that my spiritual life + maturity will grow.
There might be persecutions, there might be victories.
There might be an exodus, there might be a revival.
There might be tears, there might be laughter.
But no matter what, my source of strength, my source of hope is Christ alone.