Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Jayesslee - Angelic

If I were to describe Janice and Sonia in one word, it would be Angelic.
Their voices are so anointed! As they sung and shared their testimony, I was soaked in the love and presence of God, even hours after the service. I felt peace and comfort for the worries I have for my life, knowing that God is holding my life in His hands.

I was reminded of how He first reached out to me 10 years ago in Primary 6, and carried me through my troubled years in Sec 1 & 2.

You can watch them here:

and on Sunday:

Their testimony also reminded me that life is short, that some things that are very attractive in this life are temporal. Things like popularity, recognition, good looks. But relationships, love, character and good works last forever. Sometimes we've gotta step out and do things that matter for the long term, and for eternity, even if we are afraid.

Sonia rocks! Pretty + anointed + great singing + plays guitar + really loves God = Awesome!
Janice is awesome too, but Sonia is cuter haha.

But to be honest, I don't have a crush on either of them.


Been busy lately, cause NDP is coming soon, so there's more things to do in the office. Also spent quite a bit of time with Live Jam videos and stuff. Glad I'm done with the videos! Gotta spend more time on my freelance job this week; I have been neglecting it due to the hectic schedule. Need to rest in the grace of God!

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