Got some extra time today, so I've decided to some maintenance ;-)
In conjunction with the recent General Elections, I have elected a new list of blog links on the "Fellow Knights" sidebar!
If your blog link is missing, it's not because I don't love you anymore!
I still love you, just that your blog is either dead or I don't have permission to access it :(
So if you're reviving your blog, or suddenly decide to give me permission to read your blog (because I'm such an awesomely nice guy), do let me know! I'll gladly give you a seat in this Parliament.
New candidates are welcomed too!
I've finally completed the "The Knight" page, so you might want to take a look if you're bored and stuff.
I went through all the blog links to find out which candidates were worthy of election, and I found this picture on Katy's blog:
The most awesome line in The Saltwater Room,
Owl City's finest song!
Tumblr is pretty cool with the image sharing and stuff! I am always delighted to see those funny, cute and interesting images, esp from Wanyi's blog. I considered shifting to tumblr before, but unless there's an easy way to migrate all my posts, images and crap, I think I'm staying put.
Oh, and it's so awesomely cool to have a Thorian government: 6 mjolnirs and 81 lightning bolts! PAP in power + a sizable opposition to be the people's voice = a progressive Singapore. It's just sad that George Yeo have to go!!! T.T
Okay, I'm getting out of point, so I'll just end here. Till then!