Out of the 6 guys, I only had spoken with 2, but they all knew me by face, so it was kinda awkward walking behind them. Nevertheless 1 of them noticed me walking behind and initiated a conversation. I had a good chat with all of them, and even joked around with them. It was really strange that I interacted with them so much; I'm not exactly the extrovert type. Thank God that a made a couple of new acquaintances since my return to the dreaded Sungei Gedong Camp.
One of them, Zhiyang, suddenly asked me, "I heard that you are also from City Harvest."
"How did you know?"
"I heard from some people."
"You said 'also'... are you also from City Harvest?"
"Yes, which service do you attend? Jurong West or Expo?"
"Jurong West."
"Oh, which zone are you in?"
"Oh, which zone are you in?"
"I'm in a new zone, Wei Ren Zone."
(looks surprised) "I'm also in Wei Ren's zone!"
(tio stunned) "Huh really?!"
Shockingly, this dude that I've been seeing around camp, but never spoke to, is from the same zone as us! Its quite common to meet fellow City Harvesters, but from the same zone? What are the odds? By the way, he's in Bryna's cellgroup :)
Now I've been assigned (or "arrowed") the undesirable task of fixing up an internal website by my beloved RSM (Regiment Sergeant Major). This task has been tossed around, landing in the laps of about 4 others (including Bryan) before landing into mine. How it ended up with me was due to a series of unfortunate events; the first guy ORD-ed, Bryan (together with me) was posted to Chinatown, another guy was posted to Padang, the last guy does not have the knowledge to do it. I am somewhat convinced that the "wayang" element is involved.
Well, a dude who worked on NDP Website suddenly pops up in camp, and my RSM jumped on the opportunity.
Sarcasm aside, I enjoy doing the website. In the dreadfully dreary and dull environment of being in a Unit, I am thankful there's something to occupy the mind with. And when the website works as you wanted it to, there arises a sense of satisfaction. It might also be the fact that it reminded me of my days at Chinatown, working on the NDP Website with my buddies.
In any case, its good to be occupied with something - idleness leads to sin.
One perk is that I have the whole of RSM's room to myself. Looks like I'm the RSM when he isn't around :P
I will risk arrest by Military Police should I continue, so I shall end my comments here.
Well, a dude who worked on NDP Website suddenly pops up in camp, and my RSM jumped on the opportunity.
Sarcasm aside, I enjoy doing the website. In the dreadfully dreary and dull environment of being in a Unit, I am thankful there's something to occupy the mind with. And when the website works as you wanted it to, there arises a sense of satisfaction. It might also be the fact that it reminded me of my days at Chinatown, working on the NDP Website with my buddies.
In any case, its good to be occupied with something - idleness leads to sin.
One perk is that I have the whole of RSM's room to myself. Looks like I'm the RSM when he isn't around :P
I will risk arrest by Military Police should I continue, so I shall end my comments here.